Research evaluation


International research evaluation

Ever since 1997 the INFN’s research activities have been subject to evaluation by an International Evaluation Committee (Comitato di Valutazione Internazionale -CVI) made up of seven experts from different countries, including one in economics and one in industry. Each year the CVI produces a report on the INFN’s research activities along with its proposals for ways of improving overall performance. This report is sent to the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research together with the three-year plan.

Members of the CVI:

Annual evaluation reports can be downloaded from the website:

Internal research evaluation

In 2000 the INFN set up an Evaluation Working Group (Gruppo di lavoro sulla valutazione-GLV) which, in turn, comprises five groups (one for each Scientific Committee) responsible for in-depth analysis of the scientific performance of each activity. The National EWG Coordinator attends the annual meeting of the GLV with the INFN’s management team.