IFAE, the Institut de Fisica d’Altes Energies, is a fundamental physics research centre, set up in 1991. Its headquarters are in Barcelona on the campus of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), one of the largest and best Spanish universities. Since November 2022, it has been directed by Eugenio Coccia, INFN researcher, professor at the Gran Sasso Science Institute in L’Aquila, of which he was a supporter and rector right from its foundation, and former director of INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratories. On the European scene, IFAE is one of the leading institutes of many of the main fundamental physics projects. Thus, we asked Coccia to tell us how the institute approaches new challenges, from future particle accelerators to studying gravitational waves, and to introduce us to the scientific line that the institute he directs will follow in upcoming years. ...
Can you introduce us to the Institut de Fisica d’Altes Energies and its main scientific activities?
From particles to the Cosmos: IFAE’s mission is to conduct top theoretical and experimental research on the most important topics in particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology and, at the same time, to apply this knowledge and the technologies thus acquired to strategic sectors for society, such as medical physics and quantum technologies. From a legal standpoint, IFAE is a public consortium between the Generalitat de Catalunya and the UAB. It has complete autonomy, answering only to the Government Council headed by the Catalan Minister for Research and Universities.In a seminar at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland, the MEG II collaboration, in which INFN takes part, presented on October 20th its first results, based on data collected in 2021.
In Sweden, at the European Spallation Source (ESS) research centre, which will host the most powerful neutron source in the world in Lund, the installation of the first part of the linear accelerator was completed in October.
During a dedicated event that was held at the Museo Carlo Bilotti Aranciera of Villa Borghese in Rome, the final results of the ARTEMISIA (ARTificial intelligence Extended-Multispectral Imaging Scanner for In-situ Artwork analysis) research project were recently presented.
On 4 October, the new Laboratory of Interferometry and Quantum Optics for gravitational waves of the University of Trento was officially opened. The lab was set up in collaboration with INFN.
Twenty-five young female physics students, winners of the INFN competition “More women in physics”, were recognised today (28 September) in the presence of INFN’s Executive Committee and Management Council, during a ceremony that was held at the Roma Tre University. This was also the occasion for the 25-year celebrations of the INFN Roma Tre Division.
“The Big Data Society. What Quantum, supercomputing and AI can and cannot do for science” was the theme of the 11th edition of the school of journalism and science communication set up by INFN and Nature Italy.
At the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of INFN, the LUNA collaboration has recently obtained important results for the understanding of red giant stars, reproducing stellar conditions in the laboratory. The measurements conducted have in fact made it possible to determine with greater accuracy the relative abundances of the two stable isotopes of carbon in these stars, establishing new reference values. A paper describing the research was published in the last days in the international journal Physical Review Letters. ...
INFN AT GENOA SCIENCE FESTIVAL From Oct. 26 to Nov. 5, INFN will be present, as usual, at the Genoa Science Festival with events for schools and the public and numerous activities for children and students.
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Detail of the painting "Furniture in the Room" by Giorgio de Chirico - ©Museo Carlo Bilotti
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Antonella Varaschin
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