The Italian national workshop "INFN and the European Strategy for Particle Physics" was held on May 6 and 7 in Rome and was well attended by the scientific community, including young researchers. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the work that various INFN research groups are conducting to meet the goals recommended by the latest edition of the Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPPU) and to start the discussion on the preparation of the next update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, a crucial milestone for the future of high-energy physics. We talked about the status of work on the Future Circular Collider (FCC), a project at the heart of the Strategy update, and the upcoming major challenges, with Michael Benedikt, accelerator physicist at CERN, who is coordinating the FCC feasibility study.
What will the FCC be, how will it be different from the LHC and why will it be a good Higgs factory?
The FCC will be a circular collider based on a 90-kilometer-long tunnel, that would be roughly 200 m underground in the area between Switzerland and France. In this tunnel infrastructure, a lepton collider will be installed, based on normal conducting magnets, equipped with large superconducting radio frequency cavities to accelerate the particles, and to compensate the synchrotron radiation losses.The European Euclid space telescope enriches our 'album' of the universe with five breathtaking new portraits. The European Space Agency (ESA) mission, in which NASA is also involved, thus continues to send amazing images to Earth that contain unprecedented detail of information. There is also great satisfaction for the Italian researchers from ASI, INAF and INFN who are participating in the mission's international consortium of more than 2,000 scientists from 300 institutes in 13 European countries, in addition to the United States, Canada and Japan.
CNAF is INFN's National Centre dedicated to research and development in the field of computing and telematics and the management of related services for the Institute's research activities. On May 10, 2024, the new CNAF data centre at the Technopole at the former Manifattura Tabacchi in Bologna, Italy, is being inaugurated. Known as Tier1, the CNAF data centre is INFN’s most important one: it provides computing and storage resources and services to more than 40 scientific collaborations in which INFN participates. ...
Etna Comics
6-9 june – Catania
INFN returns to Etna Comics, the International Festival of Comics, Games and Pop Culture. Thanks to the researchers of INFN Kids, the INFN Division of Catania and the INFN Southern National Laboratories, the children will be able to discover the elementary particles, the smallest bricks of matter, that make up everything, from the objects we use to the environment that surrounds us, to the vast universe.
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Antonella Varaschin
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