The MUR Ministry of University and Research, the Lazio Region and INFN signed a four-year collaboration agreement on December 19 for the EuPRAXIA project (European Plasma Research Accelerator with Excellence In Applications) at the INFN Frascati National Laboratories. The agreement was signed by Minister Anna Maria Bernini, by the Vice President of the Lazio Region and Councilor for Economic Development, Trade, Crafts, Industry, Internationalization Roberta Angelilli, and by the INFN President Antonio Zoccoli. The aim of the agreement is to support the construction at the INFN Frascati National Laboratories of EuPRAXIA, the future large European research and development infrastructure for an innovative class of compact plasma accelerators, and for their possible uses also outside the strictly scientific field. The candidacy of the Frascati National Laboratories to become the Italian headquarters of the EuPRAXIA infrastructure already counts on the strong support of the MUR which in 2019 assigned to INFN, for the period 2019-2031, 108 million euros for the development of advanced accelerator projects in its Laboratories.