The Communications Office designs and develops multimedia interactive installations in collaboration with video artists and multimedia experts that have been displayed in exhibitions and events in Italy and abroad . The installations are inspired by the main themes of particle physics and are aimed at general public.

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Space Time

This is a video installation in which the presence and movements of people bend and alter the shapes of the virtual walls of a room. A visual metaphor representing the deformation of space and time produced by large mass bodies in the Cosmos. The bodies of the public have the same effect as black holes or supernovae that bend the Space-Time grid.

year: 2009
credit: INFN Communications Office
concept & scientific direction: Vincenzo Napolano, Francesca Scianitti
production: M. Barsottini e A. Capozzo


Expansion of the Universe

This is an interactive installation consisting of a workstation and a video. On approaching and moving away from the workstation, visitors can virtually control the expansion of the universe. Moving their hands close "compresses" the universe to bring it back to the big bang. Moving them away gives rise to expansion.

year: 2009
credit: INFN Communications Office
concept & scientific direction: Vincenzo Napolano, Francesca Scianitti
production: M. Barsottini e A. Capozzo


Make the collision

This is a video installation consisting of a neon light attached to the floor and a screen on which a stream of particles flows. People, standing with their hands over the neon light, by rapidly bringing their arms together (like clapping) make the particles on the screen collide, creating collisions.
year: 2010
credit: INFN Communications Office
concept & scientific direction:Vincenzo Napolano
production:M. Barsottini e A. Capozzo



Reveal the invisible

On a large screen, images of a man walking alternate with the statue of the warrior Kongo Rikishi and a LHC detector. An infrared camera is pointed in the area in front of the screen. The shadow of people, projected on the screen, reveals the inside of the figures projected: the skeleton, the internal structure of the warrior and the collisions in the LHC. 

year: 2010
credit: INFN Communications Office
concept & scientific direction:Vincenzo Napolano, Marco Barsottini
production: Marco Barsottini,
videos: Federica Grigoletto, Ibimel srl , Alessandro Bovero, Elena Biondi Centro Conservazione e Restauro "La Venaria Reale"


The gift of mass

It is an interactive installation on the Higgs mechanism, the physical phenomenon according to which the elementary particles gained mass in the primordial Universe. Thanks to an interactive and multimedia installation, the public can virtually experience losing and acquiring their mass, thus being stimulated to reflect on the physical meaning of the famous Higgs boson discovered in 2012 at CERN in Geneva and for which the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded in 2013 to two theoretical physicists, Peter Higgs and François Englert, who first suggested its existence. anno di realizzazione: 2012

year: 2012
concept & scientific direction: Vincenzo Napolano, Antonella Varaschin
multimedia: e Paolo Scoppola


Extra Dimension

>An interactive installation to experience through one's body the existence of extra dimensions, virtually exiting the three-dimensional space in which we live to reappear in other invisible dimensions of the universe.

year: 2014
credit: INFN Communications Office
concept & scientific direction:Vincenzo Napolano
production: CamerAnebbia


waves and particles

anno di year: 2015
credit: INFN Communications Office
concept & scientific direction: Vincenzo Napolano, Francesca Scianitti
production: CamerAnebbia



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LNF-INFN Servizi di Calcolo

Coordinamento Grafico Uff. Comunicazione F. Cuicchio
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Coordinamento Uff. Comunicazione E. Cossi
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LNF-INFN Servizi di Calcolo