Competitive projects

In accordance with art. 4, section 2 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 213/2009 on the reorganisation of government bodies, not less than 7% of the ordinary fund for research agencies will be set aside to “finance specific programmes and projects, including joint ventures, proposed by government bodies”.

In 2011 the INFN presented the following “Competitive projects”:

ABC Technologies to be applied to the study and protection of the environment and the development of cultural heritage
ERMES- WORLD Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring for Earth Sciences - World Reference Laboratory and New Developments
ITALRAD Italian Radioactivity Project
Large-mass liquid argon detectors
Laboratory for the production of radionuclides for medicine
LHC experiments
Gran Sasso national laboratory - Timing
Development of experimental resources for advanced research in nuclear astrophysics with stable and radioactive beams at the Southern national laboratory
Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics and Applications-MegaVolts
Development of infrastructures for the study and characterisation of materials for nuclear fusion reactors
Multidisciplinary Neutron Source
Silicon sensors and advanced electronics for radiation detection
Advancement of research and development of hadron therapy in Italy
Sources for Plasma Accelerators and Radiation Compton with Lasers and Beams
SPES Selective Production of Exotic Species

Consortia, associations and foundations

Some collaborative projects have led to the establishment of and participation in various consortia, associations and foundations. These are listed below


Catania Research Consortium: The INFN became a member of this consortium in June 1988. The consortium’s members are the University of Catania, the CNR, the INFN, the Catania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Handicrafts and the A.A.T.

Milan Research Consortium: The INFN became a member of this consortium in June 1988. The consortium’s members are the CNR, the INFN, the “Cattolica del Sacro Cuore” University, the University of Milan, the University of Milan Bicocca and the “Leonardo da Vinci” National Museum of Science and Technology Foundation, plus eleven industries, including IBM and Pirelli.

Criospazio Research Consortium: The INFN became a member of this consortium in January 1990. The consortium’s members are the Universities of Trento and Padua, the INFN, the Trento Chamber of Commerce and the Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto Foundation.

Ferrara Research Consortium: The INFN became a member of this consortium in March 2005. The consortium’s other members are the University of Ferrara through the Nicolò Copernico University Foundation, the “Sant'Anna” University Hospital, Ferrara Local Health Authority, Ferrara Provincial and Municipal Councils, and private undertakings (Hera S.p.A. and Berco S.p.A.).

COMETA Consortium: The INFN has been a member of this consortium ever since it was founded in February 2005 pursuant to public notice 1575/2004 issued by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) under the 2000-2006 National Operational Programme. The consortium’s members are the Universities of Catania, Messina and Palermo, the INFN, the INAF, the INGV and the S.C.I.R.E. Consortium. It is also a partner in the Italian Grid Infrastructure (IGI) project.

RFX Consortium: The INFN became a member of this consortium in January 2006; other members are the CNR, ENEA, University of Padua and Acciaierie Venete s.p.a.

CRDC: The INFN joined this limited liability consortium, set up for the purpose of promoting new technology solutions for production activities, in May 2007; other members are the “Federico II”, “Second” and “Parthenope” Universities of Naples, the Universities of Salerno and Sannio and the CNR.

Consortium for the promotion of study and research in physics at the University of Trieste: This consortium was set up by the Ministry. Other members are the University of Trieste, the SISSA, ENEA, Sincrotrone Trieste, the CNR, the INAF, the ICPT, the OGS, Trieste Provincial Council and Municipality and the Trieste Chamber of Commerce.

CoIRICH. - Italian Research Infrastructure for Cultural Heritage- This limited liability consortium was founded in September 2010. Its members are the National Research Council, Rome Tor Vergata University, Milan Polytechnic, University of Milan Bicocca and two privately-owned companies (KANSO srl and EFM srl).

GARR Consortium: The INFN is a founding member of this consortium, along with the CRUI Foundation, the CNR and ENEA. It was set up to manage and implement the broadband telecommunications network for the Italian scientific and academic community.

REDI (REducing risks of natural DIsasters)

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REDI è un centro di ricerca, innovazione e formazione. La sua missione è di contribuire allo sviluppo di ricerche interdisciplinari per migliorare la preparazione e la risposta ai disastri da parte delle comunità, diminuendone il tempo di recupero e ripresa. L'approccio adottato è quello del knowledge-for-action, che implica un incessante impegno a mettere in atto il circolo virtuoso tra conoscenza e innovazione per poter agire efficacemente e senza ostacoli, in modo che l'avanzamento della scienza e il progresso tecnologico possano interagire positivamente per massimizzare i loro rispettivi impatti, anche a livello sociale.

REDI è costituito da una partnership aperta di istituti di ricerca italiani ed europei e università che svolgono ricerche approfondite sul campo del “natural risks reduction”, con l'obiettivo di avviare un hub internazionale dove vengano sviluppate metodologie innovative per: i) la co-progettazione, in collaborazione con i cittadini, le comunità, i governi ai diversi livelli e tutte le parti interessate; ii) l'implementazione di soluzioni ecologicamente sostenibili e integrate in solide politiche di sviluppo, per la mitigazione delle conseguenze e/o la riduzione dei rischi dei disastri.

REDI è stato fondato da 4 istituti di ricerca italiani: INGV, INFN, GSSI e UNICAM.

Il Comitato Direttivo, presieduto dal Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Camerino, prof. Claudio Pettinari, è composto da: prof. Eugenio Coccia, prof. Carlo Doglioni, prof. Fernando Ferroni e prof. Massimo Sargolini.

La Commissione Scientifica, coordinata dal prof. Massimo Sargolini, è composta da:

prof. Massimiliano Barchi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

dott. Raffaelo Bronzini, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

dott. Lauro Chiaraluce, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

prof. Fulvio Esposito, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

prof.ssa Alessandra Faggian, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

prof.ssa Alba Formicola, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

prof. Marco Frey, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

prof. Graziano Leoni, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

dott.ssa Lucia Luzi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

dott. Marco Modica, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

prof. Stefano Pampanin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

prof. Massimo Sargolini, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

prof. Emanuela Tondi, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

dott.ssa Vania Virgili, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

La sede di REDI è presso il Rettorato dell’Università degli Studi di Camerino in via D’Accorso, 16, 62023 Camerino.

Per maggiori informazioni

REDI Fall School - A multidisciplinary training for disaster-risk-reduction scientists and disaster managers




INFN-ENERGY strategic project

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The aim of the INFN-ENERGY research project is to develop skills and instruments in the use of nuclear physics in the energy sector. The issues addressed under this strategic project include: decommissioning and waste treatment, control of radioactive materials, research and development of new nuclear fission technology, environmental monitoring and training. In this area of research, collaborations are essential, both with industries in the sector (in particular, Ansaldo Nucleare and SOGIN) and with other national and international organisations involved in specific activities in the sector (e.g. ENEA, CNR, polytechnics, Euratom). The INFN-ENERGY project consists of five specific lines of research: • TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFER • ADS, FAST REACTORS, BURNING AND TRANSMUTATION OF WASTE • TECHNIQUES FOR THE PRODUCTION AND MONITORING OF FAST NEUTRONS • REACTOR PHYSICS • NUCLEAR FUSION

Special projects

The INFN’s special project activities regard the development and construction of Italian or international research infrastructures. Special projects are managed by specific technical-scientific committees.

Special projects:



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