National Scientific Committee 1 (CSN1)
Particle physics
CSN1 studies fundamental interactions of matter in experiments using particle accelerators. At present, the best theory scientists have to describe our knowledge of subnuclear physics is the Standard Model. The aim of current research is to gain a deeper understanding of certain aspects, such as what generates the mass of these particles. In that context, discovering and determining the characteristics of the Higgs boson would represent a great leap forward. Scientists are hopeful that ongoing experiments will also enable them to discover new phenomena and fill some of the gaps in the Standard Model. One such example would be the discovery of supersymmetric particles, some of which are candidates for the constituents of dark matter (we know this pervades the universe, but have so far been unable to detect or describe its nature). Other examples would be the discovery of new signals that explain the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in our universe, or proof of the existence of further space-time dimensions.
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