The governing council is the institute’s decision-making body. It consists of the chairman and the executive board, the four national laboratory directors and 20 division directors, representatives from the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MUR), the Ministry for Economic Development, and representatives from the staff of INFN.
Council decisions are implemented, as appropriate, by the chairman, executive board or laboratory directors, by division directors for those regarding local activities and by by the General Director for the organisation of the administrative activities. In addition to the four National Laboratories, three National Centre are also part of the overall structure: CNAF, GGI e TIFPA.
Scientific activities are managed by five National Scientific Committees (CSN) that act as advisory bodies to the governing council. Each CSN is concerned with a specific line of research: subnuclear physics (CSN1), astroparticle physics (CSN2), nuclear physics (CSN3), theoretical physics (CSN4), technological and inter-disciplinary research (CSN5). Building on decades of experience, the INFN has developed an organisational structure that achieves a good balance between centralised and decentralised management.
members of the Executive Board
- Antonio ZOCCOLI (Presidente) - Curriculum - Atto di nomina
- Marco PALLAVICINI (Vicepresidente) - Curriculum - Atto di nomina GE VP
- Marco CIUCHINI (Vicepresidente) - Curriculum - Atto di nomina GE VP
- Sandra MALVEZZI - Curriculum - Curriculum - Atto di nomina GE
- Oscar ADRIANI Curriculum - Atto di nomina GE
- Diego BETTONI - Curriculum - Atto di nomina GE VP