BSBF Trieste
October 1 – 4, Generali Convention Center, Trieste
From October 1 to 4, there will be the third edition of the Big Science Business Forum (BSBF), an event about technologies and innovation and dedicated to the worlds of scientific research and business. The event aims to become the main meeting point between large research infrastructures and industry in Europe.
INFN will participate in various sessions and with a stand where it will showcase the frontiers of its research, ongoing projects, and collaborations with Italian and international companies. Significant planned investments in key technological areas, such as cryogenics, superconductivity, diagnostic systems, and many others, will also be presented. Three INFN-led NRRP projects will also be in the spotlight at the festival with their own stands: IRIS, for the development of high-temperature superconducting technologies, KM3NeT4RR, for the enhancement of a large submarine infrastructure for neutrino detection, and EUPRAXIA, for the construction in Frascati of a European research infrastructure for the development of an accelerator based on plasma technology.
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2 October, 10:00 AM
INFN President Antonio Zoccoli make a speech during the first plenary session at the Forum's opening, together with Gilberto Dialuce (ENEA President), Roberto Ragazzoni (INAF President), Stefano Fabris (Director of the Department of Physical Sciences and Matter Technologies of the CNR) and Caterina Petrillo (President of Area Science Park).
2 October, 12:30 PM
A meeting to present Einstein Telescope, the major project for the construction of the future European gravitational waves' observatory, with Antonio Zoccoli, INFN president, and Stan Bentelvsen, director of NIKHEF, the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics.
3 October, 12:00 PM, Italo Svevo Room
A workshop on the innovative technologies developed as part of the NRRP IRIS project by INFN and ASG superconductors, who are working together to construct a superconducting cable for transporting energy that would avoid energy dispersion.
3 October, 2:00 PM, Hall 27 - Illy
A session dedicated to international research institutes for advanced scientific experimentation, during which Diego Bettoni, a member of the INFN executive board, will speak, illustrating INFN activities straddling research and industry.
Genoa Science Festival2024
October 24 – November 3 - Genoa
From October 24 to November 3, 2024, the 22nd edition of the Genoa Science Festival will take place, with the keyword Challenges. INFN will participate with numerous activities.
Conferences, Special Events and Meetings
October 25, 9:00 PM, Sala del Maggior Consiglio, Palazzo Ducale
HOW QUANTUM IS THE COSMOS? Dialogues in music, words and images between paradoxes, realities and possible futures
A conference-show with Vincenzo Barone, theoretical physicist, INFN researcher and professor at the University of Piemonte Orientale, Paola Verrucchi, researcher at CNR and INFN, and professor at the University of Florence, and Massimo Pietroni, cosmologist and particle physicist, professor at the University of Parma and INFN researcher.
The conference will be accompanied by readings performed by the actress Bianca Mastromonaco and music by the jazz duo Danilo Rossi, violist, and Stefano Bezziccheri, pianist.
Organized by INFN
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October 26, 3:30 PM, Sala del Minor Consiglio, Palazzo Ducale
GETTING CLOSER TO THE ECHO OF THE BIG BANG. The Challenges and Successes of Gravitational Waves
With Annalisa Allocca, experimental physicist and researcher at INFN and the University Federico II of Naples, Michele Maggiore, theoretical physicist at the University of Geneva, Jacopo Sacquegno, molecular biologist and visual thinker. Moderated by Edwige Pezzulli, astrophysicist and science communicator at INAF.
In collaboration with INFN
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October 26, 9:00 PM, Sala del Maggior Consiglio, Palazzo Ducale
WOMEN LISTENING TO THE COSMOS. The Multimessenger revolution in voices and music
With Pia Astone, astrophysicist, professor at Sapienza University of Rome and INFN researcher, Silvia Piranomonte, astrophysicist and INAF researcher, Mario Salvucci, composer and sound designer. Moderated by Vincenzo Napolano, head of communications at EGO.
In collaboration with EGO, INFN, and INAF
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October 27th, 5:00 PM, Sala Cisterne of Palazzo Ducale, Palazzo Ducale
With Antonio Zoccoli, President of INFN and President of the ICSC Foundation, Mauro Gilberti, University of Florence and INFN, Gloria Guilluy, INAF, Elena Tomasi, FBK, Luigi Celona, University of Milan-Bicocca, and Fabio Landuzzi, IIT.
Curated by ICSC - National Research Center in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing, INFN, and IIT.
October 28, 11:00 AM, Sala del Maggior Consiglio, Palazzo Ducale
OTHER WORLDS. Exoplanets starring in the Asimov award
With Silvano Fuso, chemist, science communicator, and author, Giovanni Covone, astrophysicist and professor at Federico II University of Naples, and Giovanni Gallucci, INFN researcher and head of the Asimov Award for the INFN Genoa division
Organized by INFN – Scientific Committee of the Asimov Award
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Exhibitions and Installations
October 24 – November 3, Piano Nobile – Loggiato Maggiore, Palazzo Ducale
THE REVOLUTION IN A QUANTUM. From the Sun to the Atom
Exhibition curated by INFN
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October 24 – November 3, Teatro Falcone, Palazzo Reale
STARS ON EARTH. Inclusive Paths in Astrophysics Outreach
Installation curated by INFN – Padova Division, CHETEC – INFRA, Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired, National Agency for the Deaf, Planetarium of Padua, Hollman Foundation, and Universidad Diego Portales
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October 24 – November 3, Scuola di Robotica
THE FIRST TWENTY MINUTES. Challenge between Universes Right After the Big Bang
Workshop curated by INFN Genoa division and University of Genoa
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October 24 – November 3, Sala delle Grida, Palazzo della Borsa
Workshop curated by INFN
October 24 – November 3, Teatro del Falcone, Palazzo Reale
EINSTEIN'S CHALLENGE. Listening to the Cosmos with Gravitational Waves
Workshop curated by INFN and EGO
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Find out more about INFN events at the Genoa Festival
FESAV – Science Festival of Altovicentino
October 20 – 27, Schio (VI)
From September 20 to 27, the INFN Padova division will be present, for the third consecutive year, at the Science Festival of Altovicentino.
October 26
STARS ON EARTH. Fusion Processes in Stars and How to Study Them in the Laboratory
Public lecture with Antonio Caciolli, professor and researcher at the University of Padua and INFN, and Denise Piatti, researcher at the University of Padua
Escape Room
October 26, 2:30 PM - 5:15 PM
October 26, 6:30 PM - 9:15 PM
Stranger Physics
October 27, 10:00 AM - 12:45 PM
Journey to the Origin of the Universe
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